aio china
aio china

购物村再度联手AIO华人美食配送APP, 为您带来最高可领30€返现的特惠活动。



  1. 在购物村内参与活动的精品店内消费,并在结账时出示购物村内会员二维码,扫码后系统将自动累计当日消费额。
  2. 当日消费总额达到规定金额后,需去往购物村内的游客信息中心,并出示您的会员二维码验证。
  3. 验证有效后,顾客需提供其在AIO平台注册的手机号及用户名,三个工作日之后,即可在其AIO账户内收到相应的返现金额。


  • 消费金额的累计,必须需通过扫描购物村会员二维码完成。
  • 返现规则:


  • 返现将体现为AIO平台充值卡,限AIO用户本人使用,每位用户仅可兑换一次。
  • 此优惠数量有限、先到先得,送完即止。
  • AIO平台充值卡不可提现,禁止出售。

*Promotion valid from 22 November 2021 to 23 December 2021. Limited to AIO app users, registered in the Value Retail Membership program and meeting one of the two spending thresholds described above. Spending thresholds must be met at those participating membership program boutiques at La Roca Village (Barcelona) or Las Rozas Village (Madrid). In order to verify your spending threshold, you will need to visit one of the two customer service centers (La Roca Village or Las Rozas Village) after your purchases have been made. Cashback will be automatically added to your AIO app user account and cannot be exchanged for cash or sold.

  • La Roca Village Des de casa

    Explora les nostres boutiques des de casa i descobreix els millors dissenyadors del món als millors preus... directe a la teva porta.

    Compra des de casa
  • Balconies and light of the Village

    Horaris del Village

    Gaudiu de dilluns a diumenge d'una destinació de shopping únic a l'aire lliure amb firmes exclusives.

    Veure tot