RITUALS | Morning routine

10 simple ways to have a good day: Here's your new morning routine.

by Amy Lawrenson

We all know those people - they are already glowing in the morning and are fresh and alert - while you are still trying to remove sleep out of your head. Wish you could hop out of bed too without hitting the snooze button several times? Well, you can become an early riser as well. All you need are these 10 simple tips and apply them with discipline.



It's as easy as it sounds. According to behavioral psychologist Sarah Stevenson, "every time you smile, you're throwing a little feel-good party in your brain." Biologically, smiling causes hormones like dopamine, endorphins and serotonin to be released. Start smiling as soon as you wake up, and you'll give yourself a natural good-mood boost that could last all day.



We already hear you thinking: who has time for that in the morning? In truth, meditating doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming, it can lead to even more focus and a positive attitude.

5 minute meditation



Harvard Medical School says "gratitude helps you feel more positive emotions, enjoy beautiful experiences, have better health, better cope with setbacks, and make stronger connections."
Before you leave the house, try writing down three things you're grateful for - you'll notice you feel relieved when you focus on what you have instead of what's missing.


Drink a glass of water

Our minds are not the only thing that want to be awakened in the morning. Drinking a glass of warm water 20 minutes before breakfast in the morning stimulates the digestive system and flushes away toxins, which is ideal for your energy flow.


Take a cold shower

Brrr ... yeah, we know. But think about it: turning the shower from hot to cold in the last 20 seconds increases the intake of oxygen, which leads to an increased heartbeat. This leads to better blood flow throughout the body - a natural energy boost, so to speak. A small price to pay for plenty of energy to tackle the day's work, right?


Set goals

Some days are more difficult than others. Instead of worrying about all the tasks of a difficult day, you can write down three things you want to have completed by the end of the day. This will take some of the stress and tension away.


Wear Perfume

It is scientifically proven that scents have a great effect on our emotions. To start your day with a positive, energetic attitude, spray some happiness into the air. Spray your favorite room spray to lift your spirits.


Move your body

Exercise, just like smiling, releases endorphins in the blood, which wakes you up and improves your mood. This yoga program was specially designed by our expert Laura to put you in a good mood first thing in the morning.

Yoga session


A healthy breakfast

Many of us skip this essential step to sleep a little longer. A big mistake. Eating breakfast boosts metabolism and stabilizes blood sugar: both have been scientifically proven to contribute to satisfaction and create energy. Need a little inspiration? Here's a delicious recipe for a Breakfast Smoothie Bowl.


Volume up

Music is to the ears as fragrance is to the nose - it has the power to make us feel things more intensely. As you get ready for work in the morning, try playing this Spotify playlist for more contentment that we've put together with the purpose of making you smile.

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Essentials for your morning routine


The Ritual of Namaste Anti Aging Day Cream


The Ritual of Sakura Bed & Body Mist


The Ritual of Sakura Body Cream 220 ml