Become a member today

From 11 to 19 May

Members get up to 50% off the Fidenza Village price* in the Village and via App.

Register for membership

How does it work?

  1. 로그인하기

    앱이나 웹사이트에서 계정에 로그인합니다.

  2. 스캔

    부티크 및 레스토랑에서 결제 시 특별 코드를 스캔합니다.

  3. 교환

    쇼핑이 누적될수록 리워드와 혜택도 늘어납니다.


Need some help?

What notifications will I receive as a member?

We will send you exciting news and rewards from the Village; as we learn about your preferred brands we will send you rewards and news tailored to you.

How will I receive my personal code?

Shortly after you register you will receive a welcome email providing you with your personal code. It is also available on your member page once you log in.

Where can I scan my personal code?

Present your code to the participating boutique staff at the till every time you shop to unlock rewards. To discover the participating boutiques and restaurants, simply login.


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