Martina Maccherone

Find your most flattering hues via Virtual Shopping with Martina Maccherone.

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Of the four armocromia colour categories, influencer Martina Maccherone belongs to the winter palette – a range of deep, cold and contrasting colours ideal for light complexions, jet black hair and dark or very bright eyes. Following the principles of armocromia, or colour analysis, your most flattering hues are the colours that are capable of enhancing your natural beauty and uniqueness, and should be considered when choosing clothes, accessories and make-up.

The winter palette is the only one that includes black. In addition to black, blue hues work well too – from navy to electric blue – as do cold and purple-tinted reds like those of wild berries, along with others such as crimson and cardinal.

Even greens, although slightly more risky, offer some benefit to this group. Greens with a higher blue component work better than emerald and bottle green. Finally, bright white works well and, for yellow lovers, lemon is the best shade to choose.

Follow the armocromia concept by shopping within your colour palette at the Fidenza Village boutiques. The boutique advisors have been guided by industry expert Rossella Migliaccio to support every guest in finding their most flattering hues.

Shop your unique colour palette from the comfort of your home with our Virtual Shopping service. The boutique advisors are available every day from 10.00 to 20.00 via WhatsApp, email and phone to help you find your perfect pieces, so you can look and feel your best with ease.

Follow Fidenza Village on Instagram to see more of Martina’s armocromia shopping experience.

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  • Armocromia. The most flattering hues for you

    Fidenza Village celebrates colour and presents Armocromia, the most flattering hues for you.

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